
他-籃球巨星柯比.布萊恩(Kobe Bryant),曾經陷入軟弱失敗,也走過生命的低谷,但卻不曾放棄自己。他努力的要求自己全力以赴,「我知道每天淩晨四點洛杉磯的樣子。(I know that the appearance of Los Angeles at four o 'clock in the morning every day.)」這就是他-柯比.布萊恩。



1. 即使是耶穌,也會有人對祂懷恨在心,我不需要解釋任何事情。

(Even Jesus will have a grudge against him, and I don't need to explain anything.)


2. 低著頭不是認輸,是要看清自己的路;抬頭不是驕傲,是要看清自己的天空。獲得了第二名只能說明你是頭號輸家。總有一個人要贏的,那為什麽不能是我!

(Bow is not lost, is to see their own way; rise is not proud, is to see their sky. Taking second shows that you are the number one loser. There is always one person who will win. Why can't it be me?)


3. 我可以接受失敗,但無法接受放棄。

(I can accept failure, but I cannot accept giving up.)


4. 我們必須要抓住一切機會,向所有人證明你自己,並證明你能够迎接挑戰。

(We must seize every opportunity to prove ourselves to everyone and prove that you can meet challenges.)


5. 我現在所做的一切,都是為了要更加完美。

(What I do now is for the sake of perfection.)


6. 面對過去的籃球職業生涯,我每一天都盡我最大的努力,每一分鐘、每一秒、每一刻,我都傾盡自己的所有,當作是最後一次在打球。

(In the face of my past basketball career, I made my best efforts every day, every minute and every second, and every moment I thought it was the last time I played.)


7. 面對自己做出的抉擇,要歷經千山萬水,才能到達那裡。等那一刻到來的時候,你不應該感到驚訝。

(You make your own decisions, and you have to go through mountains and rivers to get there. You shouldn't be surprised when that moment comes.)


8. 壓力、挑戰,這一切消極的事物都是我能够獲得成功的催化劑。

(Pressure, challenge, all these negative things are catalysts for my success.)


9. 我不想成為麥可.喬丹第二,我只想做柯比.布萊恩自己。

(I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.)


10. 當我退休的時候,我希望回首看我走過的路,每一天,我都是付出了我的全部!

(when i retire, i want to look back the way i walked past, every day, i have paid my all !)


11. 如果你害怕失敗,那意味著你已經輸了。

(If you are afraid of failure, it means that you have already lost.)


12. 在你想要放棄的時候,要想想是什麽讓你從起初堅持走到了這裡。

(when you want to give up, think about what makes you insist on here.)


13. 英雄是一時的,但傳奇是一世的。

(heroes are temporary, but the legend is forever.)


14. 假如你熱愛一件事,你就會為它克服一切困難─柯比就是!

(If you love a thing you will overcome all difficulties - Kobe for it !)


15. 我的聽力越來越差了,在每個球場上都聽不見噓聲。

(My hearing is getting worse, hear boos in each stadium.)
